Gaseous wastes
Oxygen produced during photosynthetic reactions in green plants and certain bacteria may be considered to be a waste product, or at least a by-product, requiring removal. Carbon dioxide is produced by all animals and by green plants in darkness. Nitrogen gas is produced by denitrifying sulfur bacteria (Thiobacillus), and ammonia is excreted by decay-causing bacteria and by most invertebrate and vertebrate animals.
Liquid wastes
The sole liquid waste produced as a metabolic by-product by all animals and photosynthetic plants in darkness is water.
Solid wastes
Several important kinds of materials may be classified as solid wastes. Among them are nitrogenous wastes, by-products of protein and amino-acid metabolism by animals; nitrite and nitrate compounds produced by nitrifying bacteria; and sulfur and sulfates resulting from the metabolic activities of sulfur bacteria. Many other substances also enter into solid wastes to be disposed of by organisms. Iron compounds in an insoluble form are secreted by iron bacteria that have used soluble iron compounds. Various resins, fats, waxes, and complex organic chemicals are exuded from certain plants—as in the latex from rubber trees and milkweeds. Organic pigments from the breakdown of biological pigments, such as haemoglobin in vertebrates, become components of solid waste. Inorganic salts, including molecules and ions such as carbonates, bicarbonates, and phosphates resulting from life-sustaining chemical reactions, eventually may become solid waste products.